
Showing posts from April, 2013

Marley Helen

Psalm 118:24  "This is the day the Lord has made;  let us rejoice and be glad in it." April 8... the day Marley was born. :) I cannot imagine how time flies by so quickly. She was just a picture on the ultrasound 5 months ago. And now she's there, across the window, with her little fingers and her pink cheeks. The Lord has been truly gracious to Ate Manessa, Kuya Dennis and their newborn baby. Ate Manessa had been through a lot of stress and trials to make it to this point. She fought real hard and the Lord has granted her favor, protection and blessing. I write not just to record the joy that this baby has brought to our family but I also write for the purpose of dedication Marley Helen's life unto the Lord Jesus Christ.  May our Lord guide her parents in raising her.  May our Lord protect her wherever she goes.  May she be a blessing to thousands of people she'll meet and  may she find the love of God that is in Christ alone.  This i