A Lovestory Worth Telling

This is a love story. But a slightly different one. This is a love story between me and the Lover of my soul. And here is a list of the things that my Lover in heaven has done to me as we both journey in the (insert country here). He pursues me like no one else. His love thrills me every single time. I can't help but to share it.

I used to think that love stories are only for two human beings in love with each other. Not until my Lord Jesus wooed me like never before. He told me,"I'm going to show you how great my love is for you! This time, when you think about 'The Greatest Love of All,' you'll think of no one else but ME."

1. My Healer and Protector
There are four seasons in (insert country here) and it is so different from the sunny and rainy days in the Philippines. Whenever the weather changes in the Philippines, it is regularly expected that I'll be under the weather too. But when I got here, never have I gotten so ill compared before. I'd only have colds and cough that will last for 2-4 days. This is so unlikely because in the Philippines, whenever I caught a cold, it'd turn to cough, coughing then turns to asthma. But even as I experience -2 degree Celsius here in (insert country here), my body still feels physically fit. I know that He prevents me from having sickness. If not for Him, I wouldn't be able to cope with sudden change of weather and season.

2. My Forgiver
There was one time when I felt so sinful. I was selfish. I didn't think of what others will feel if I do something that I want to do. It was to the point of somehow neglecting my duties in our academy. But God had been my Forgiver. While I was crying and praying to Him, the Holy Spirit talked to me in a very personal way. It was as if He kept saying "I do not condemn you," over and over again. Then I remembered Jesus mentioned this to the sinful woman who was about to be stoned. (More of this story in the other blog post: Neither Do Condemn You). No matter how sinful I may become, my God will still forgive me because even if I become faithless, He will remain faithful for He cannot disown Himself. That is how loving and faithful my God is.

3. My Refuge
For everyone who knows me, they would think it will be almost impossible for me to be able  to live alone. I rarely have moments of silence. Even my siblings get fed up with my childish and sometimes nonsensical stories. BUT! Because of God's grace I survived a month long "home alone" because my employer had to go back to her own country. I didn't just survive it, I think I nailed it! I found it very enjoyable to be alone; just singing songs to God, dancing with myself, experimenting food (cooking is the right term), cleaning the house, going to the market, and all the day-to-day task of a normal human being (without a maid!). I even thought that this experience will truly let me become a better person and a priced future wife for all the skills I've learned here. But most of all, I have experienced an intimacy with God like never before. We chatted all day. We cried together.  Whenever I have a question, He would answer me. Whenever I feel alone, He would comfort me. He made me feel that He is all I ever wanted in life. He has been my refuge since then. I know now that when something thrilling or something terrible happens to me,  I'd seek His presence FIRST! He is my Refuge.

4. My Strength
When I was just preparing to leave for (insert country here), I couldn't imagine how my relationship with God will work out. As you know, this country restricts christianity and evangelism. But when I got here, God surprised me with His presence. I experienced (and continually experiencing) His presence with me everywhere. I feel Him every moment of my life. When I talk to Him in prayers, there are a lot of times He would answer me right away. Some people may think I'm crazy, but I can truly hear His still soft voice, assuring me that He is my Immanuel. I'd share one of
the many stories in a while. Hence, He has become my strength. His most tangible presence strengthens me despite being faraway from my loved ones. Constant prayer and devotion are my daily bread. For this I know that I am not just physically fit but also spiritually fit to wrestle against rulers, authorities, and spiritual forces of evil.
5. My Provider
When I wanted a gift for my birthday, He gave me an adult coloring book which I longed to   have. When I had no one to celebrate my birthday with, one of my students gave me a surprise birthday treat. When I felt alone in church, He introduced me to good people I became friends with. One of my (insert country here) dreams is to see a real panda which He also answered. By His grace, I was also able to buy an Ipad Mini which I claimed in prayer during our church's prayer and fasting last January. I also consider my favorable schedule as His blessing for without Him, I won't be able to have time to study Hangul and Mandarin. Snow, I didn't expect He would give me an advanced christmas present. Lastly, this winter season always makes me shiver,  I keep thinking how I will have winter clothes (shopping is not on my priority list anymore). Then one day, one of my students gave me some of her awesome winter clothes because she thought I will regret buying winter clothes since I won't be able to use it in my country. Small things. Big things. Necessity. Luxury. He is my Jehovah Jireh!

6. My Comforter
I will not deny the fact that there are times I feel alone. There are nights I feel like my friends and family have forgotten me. I feel like I have no one waiting till I get back. But He persists to be my Comforter. He keeps on reminding me how He understands because He has experienced it too when all His disciples abandoned Him on the cross. He said, "I understand. You are not alone." Knowing that someone understands is more than enough to comfort me.

7. My Promise Keeper
While walking along the streets of Aocheng, I watched happy families walking passed me. Then I started talking to Him agaaaaaain.
Me: Lord, let me be a mother of children someday. Okaaaay? I love them even if I don't have them yet. (Grin)
Lord: I'm cool with that. But now, my daughter, enjoy every moment that you are single. Because when you become a mom, you will not be able to take it back. It is a lifetime responsibility. So for now, enjoy walking alone, enjoy not asking someone where they want to eat, enjoy spending your money for yourself, enjoy not being obliged to tell where you go and what you do enjoy your single life. I do not want you to regret someday that you didn't enjoy your single hood just because you keep chasing for your next season. Remember, I make things beautiful in its perfect time!
Well, this promise is for the win. I know my God is a Promise Keeper. So I guess, you will have to wait until I write about my marriage and family life. Until then, I will trust in His promises!

All I need is Him. All I want is Him. I am satisfied with His love.
Psalm 42:1 "As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God."

So to all who wants a perfect love story, you won't find it with anyone unless you find it first in Christ. He's going to show what true love really means. True love exists. There is forever. And that is with Him.

I did not write to boast about how good my life is here in (insert country here). I wrote to inspire and motivate you to seek Him with all your heart, and soul, and mind and strength. Because when you do, you'll find yourself not asking for anything else but His love, every moment of your life!


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