On Being Broken and Blessed

This is a reflection on being BROKEN  and BLESSED by God.

It has been a long time since our last post (my last entry). And I admit that I have not been in the mood of writing. I was feeling awful during the last month. Though now, I could say I am better. I am well.

For the past few months, a lot has happened in my life. They weren't perfectly happy times. Yet, I would say that God has BLESSED me beyond my expectations. When I look back at the moments when I cried myself to sleep (literally), I can smile and say that God was with me and has comforted me. Even though I shed tears and felt lonely, I was able to experience our Father's comfort. There was even a time when I found it hard to forgive someone. Bitterness started to grow in my heart; it was choking me inside. And that felt terrible. But the Lord helped through it. He helped me forgive and it released my heart from the grip - I was freed.

Before all these, God has told me that the RAIN OF BLESSINGS are coming. And I thought, "Yey! I'll get the things  which I have been praying for." Sometimes, when God says "I will bless you", we immediately think of material things. But blessings come in different ways and in different forms. Being BLESSED is not about getting everything in this world. You may have the riches of this world but still feel lacking. And you may have nothing from this world but still feel blessed. After God gave me that promise, challenges came, tough ones. That made me ask the Lord, "Are these the blessings you were telling me?"

But I realized that it's not about what we have or what we are going through. We have to change our perspective. Being broken is a blessing. Being blessed is being with the Lord.

How can we ever feel lacking if our Father owns everything? How can we feel unloved if our God is love? How can we have not peace when our God can calm the raging seas? How can we complain during tough times when God carries our burden?

The thing is "How much do we trust the Lord?" Our faith helps us go through tough times.We hold on to our faith. And in broken experiences, we exercise our faith much. For if we lose faith, we lose everything. If we stop believing in the power of God, if we stop believing that God loves us, if we stop believing that He will provide... we lose hope. Without hope, life is miserable.

No matter what we say, no matter how much we question the Lord, the Truth remains: HE IS GOD. He is a loving, caring, compassionate, providing Father. We take this Truth in our heart and this sustains us through the brokenness.

Whatever you are going through my dear brother/sister, YOU ARE BLESSED. Look around you. Look beyond what your physical eyes can see. Open the eyes of your heart and see what God has already done in your life and what He is currently doing in you. Be amazed! Be soaked in God's RAIN OF BLESSINGS! :)



  1. wonderful words! thanks for sharing.. :-)
    keep the faith! God bless..

    1. Thank you for reading.
      You are an encouragement to us. :)
      God bless you too.


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