iPray 5*

Yesterday I posted this on Facebook:

"Whenever Apple releases a new iPhone, or iPad... or anything with "i", people (especially the young ones) clamor to get the new thing. 

Sadly, when there is a call for prayer, people disappear. 

And most young people probably spend more time
 with their phones (or whatever devices) than praying. :'(

It's time to wake up, young people. Gadgets won't give us the satisfaction. Nothing in this world will. Only through Jesus can we have a full life. But how can we experience it if we don't even communicate with the One who holds our life???

You! Yes, you who's reading this... If you are asked "Do you pray"? Can you say "Yes, iPray."?"

I posted this for the upcoming prayer night we arranged for young people. There is a need to WAKE UP our generation and make us realize how much we've taken prayer for granted. We are living in a fast-paced world where everything has to be instant... Instant information, instant pictures, instant communication. And we think that the faster gadget we have, the better our life will be.

But don't we realize that the BEST AND FASTEST COMMUNICATION EVER does not require iPhone 5, Samsung S3, Nokia Lumia, or whatever handy dandy techy device there is? It is....

P  R  A  Y  E  R

We think prayer is only for the old people. We think prayer is not cool. We think prayer nights are only for our church elders. But haven't we realize how powerful our prayers can be? Prayer has no boundaries. You can be in the Philippines but your prayer can touch someone who is 5000 miles away from you. If your phone doesn't have a signal, can you call or send anybody a message? NO!!! But prayer never loses signal. It doesn't even go "zero balance". Prayer is boundless. 

Prayer can move mountains. Prayer can change lives. Prayer can do miracles. Prayer can touch God's heart. Have you heard of Hezekiah who lived 15 years longer because God heard his prayer and saw his tears?**
Do you know that Hannah prayed with tears and God gave her a son who become a great man of God?***

There are just so much testimonies in the Bible which show us how prayer worked. And I, myself, have experienced the power of prayer. I'll share one which happened just recently.

My father works in Ghana, Africa (which according to http://www.distancefromto.net is 8264.67 miles away from the Philippines) His passport was lost somewhere. I do not exactly know if it was lost in the immigration. But bottomline, it was lost. So there's the problem. He couldn't get a new passport in Ghana because there is no Philippine embassy in the country; the embassy is in Nigeria. Imagine, how can he travel to Nigeria when he doesn't have a passport. So I was my prayer was...

"Lord, I don't know what Your plans exactly are. But I know they are the best for our family. I pray, Lord, that however you want my father gets his passport back let it be. I do not know if the immigration will find it or he'll be able to apply for a new one. But I know you'll give him a passport. I can not be there to help but I know You'll hear my prayers and You'll do something about it."

My father had experienced many problems in Ghana... his company wouldn't pay him enough... not even at the right time. He got malaria. The employees would go on strike. It wasn't really good. BUT... all throughout those experiences. GOD HAS NEVER LEFT HIM AND OUR WHOLE FAMILY. He has always provided for our needs. And it is because of prayer... and faith. And I also want to thank the people who are always praying for my family.

And so just recently, the Philippine Embassy in Nigeria went to Ghana. Amazing!!! And my father was able to apply for a new passport. Isn't is amazing??? 

This is just one testimony about the power of prayer. There are just so much out there. If you've got one, share it!!! Tell the people around you how God answered your prayers. If you haven't got one, well, I'm telling you... you're missing a lot. You should start giving God more time. Talk to Him... but also never forget to listen to what He says to you. After all, it is a form of communicating with him. And communication isn't just about speaking but also listening. Maybe God has been wanting to bless you but it's just you weren't praying. Or maybe He has a special message for you but you do not take time to listen. 

In the end, I just want to say that PRAYER IS ESSENTIAL. I have nothing against gadgets and devices... only if it is the reason why you neglect your prayer life.




*because Apple has just released iPhone 5. hehehe. ^^
**Isaiah 38: 1-6
*** 1 Samuel 1:1-20


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