Number Three

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
-Desert Song, Hillsong United

My heart goes out to you, Lord. My heart sings praises to Your Name. My heart is in so much awe.

I am not in a "perfect" and "flawless" situation.
I have problems; I have struggles.


          Three weeks ago, my class has started and like what I have posted previously, it was CRAZY! Now, we're done with week no.3. One more week and we're done with the class.
          Where I am now IS NOT the most convenient place I could be. But, so far the experience has brought me CLOSER...
           1) TO GOD
Sitting by the window, enjoying the moment of solitude
               Because of the pressure that the thesis prospectus has put on me, I have learned to really just cast every burden upon Jesus. Yes, I cast even the burden of writing on my Lord and my Savior. Not that I am hoping that Jesus is going to come down from heaven and start writing my paper on my laptop. But I realized the importance of being "inspired" by Him even in writing this academic paper. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that whatever we do, we should do it for God's glory. 
              Because of our assignments, I have been spending a LOT of time in the library. I read, write, edit. Then I read some more, then write again and edit. But then, moments come when I lose the "inspiration". I could not get myself to write. Nothing "academic" is coming out from my head and I just stare blankly at my laptop screen. So, I would grab my planner, go to a place where I could be alone, and start writing about what's in my heart and head. I write as if I am sending a letter to God in heaven. Then, the moment of solitude comes. It feels like a "rush of peace" flows from heaven and into me. Then I'll find my ground again... I'll have the urge to read and write.

           2) TO GODLY PEOPLE
After our Friday noon cell group. :)

                In the midst of all the craziness, I thank God for blessing me with awesome friends. They help keep me sane (But at times, they make me insane too. Haha!) I thank God for the friendship that He has established and the way He is letting it flourish. More than being thankful, I am honored to have these people in my life. Each one of them has stories which touched my heart and inspired me to be a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus. I may not be able to tell it to them always but seeing them reminds me of the unfailing and abounding love that Jesus has for us. Their lives are radiating and truly these people are beautiful inside and out.

I pray that the light they have will continue to shine like the stars in the universe and illuminate this dark world.

          3) TO MYSELF
              The more I seek the Lord, the more I understand who I am. The more I spend time with people, the more I discover things about myself. All the insecurities that clouded my head and my heart for the past weeks has been removed. I am reminded that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am not just God's creation but I am HIS DAUGHTER, HIS PRINCESS. :))

    Thank you, Jesus!
    "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; 
    his LOVE endures forever."


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